- 民主黨與司徒華同步老化
- Shilling With Schiller: Newspapers Attempt To Boost The Real Estate Market, Again
- 點解有D人成日輸
- 伊朗摄影师沙漠拍摄夜空
- Geography of some countries through History
- 中国历代疆域面积考
- US Troops Match Wits With Iraqi Shoe-Tosser
- 民主黨愧對民主 公民黨走出悲情
- 反對設立文學館
- 批判现实主义力作:《飞屋历险记》
- a travelogue in Southern Xinjiang (Aug 2009)
- 英国人写朝鲜战争
- 那些黑泽明知道,吴宇森不知道的事儿
- 没有平安,我们都输了
- Passports for Tibetan
A blog on strategies, and applying strategic perspectives on business related issues, and on miscellaneous discussions about China
Reading list Sep 2009
Oh media and opinion leaders
They are biased. Of course they are.
When the PRC government cleaned up its corrupted official, they would discredit any possibility that certain government(s) in this world, however authoritative or generically corrupted, would want to become less corrupted. Instead, they cooked up some conspiracy theory of power struggle to confuse its reader. If they hate you, whatever you do it is just wrong.
But to think that they are against China is "too simple, sometimes naive", to quote the ex-prez Jiang. To the "main stream media" and so-called opinion leaders, plus the foreign ministers of two major European countries, if they love you, you can rape a young teen brutally and their loves are still eternal.
As for media in Hong Kong, they simply applied google translation for whatever they have received and spit out to their readers (of similar caliber, they would think). They would not bother to read the comment fields under those websites, or a few lonely critical minds such as this.
What could China do to move from the "bad guy" circus to the "good side"? Here are a few tips from this lesson
When the PRC government cleaned up its corrupted official, they would discredit any possibility that certain government(s) in this world, however authoritative or generically corrupted, would want to become less corrupted. Instead, they cooked up some conspiracy theory of power struggle to confuse its reader. If they hate you, whatever you do it is just wrong.
But to think that they are against China is "too simple, sometimes naive", to quote the ex-prez Jiang. To the "main stream media" and so-called opinion leaders, plus the foreign ministers of two major European countries, if they love you, you can rape a young teen brutally and their loves are still eternal.
As for media in Hong Kong, they simply applied google translation for whatever they have received and spit out to their readers (of similar caliber, they would think). They would not bother to read the comment fields under those websites, or a few lonely critical minds such as this.
What could China do to move from the "bad guy" circus to the "good side"? Here are a few tips from this lesson
- Be rich and famous
- Be-friend those western opinion leaders who had sold their souls
- Open the comment field
The Continental Shelf Extension claims in East Asia
By now all countries have submitted their claim on UNCLOS, which states

Consisting of 5 major areas:

A very nice map for Chinese and Korean claims can be found in the red firefly blog (a very nice map blog in Chinese)

Here is the technical definition of China's calim

Note that China's "preliminary example point" has carefully avoided to overlap with Korea claim points, apparently for a few reason (that I can think of)
- The continental shelf is defined as the natural prolongation of the land territory to the continental margin’s outer edge, or 200 nautical miles from the coastal state’s baseline, whichever is greater. State’s continental shelf may exceed 200 nautical miles until the natural prolongation ends. However, it may never exceed 350 nautical miles from the baseline; or it may never exceed 100 nautical miles beyond the 2,500 meter isobath (the line connecting the depth of 2,500 meters). Coastal states have the right to harvest mineral and non-living material in the subsoil of its continental shelf, to the exclusion of others. Coastal states also have exclusive control over living resources "attached" to the continental shelf, but not to creatures living in the water column beyond the exclusive economic zone.
- Japan has submitted a 78-page long "executive summary", to which China and Korea challenged the legitimacy of Okinotori Rock, which USA (North Mariana Island, i.e. Saipan and Guam) and Palau reserved their rights on overlapping claims
- Korea and China each submitted their claims, both pushing the continental shelf to the Okinawa Trough
- (Note all 3 countries ratified UNCLOS, which DPRK did not)

Consisting of 5 major areas:
- SKB Shikoku Basin, the large vertical strip south of Shikoku Island and north of the Okinotori 200 nm circle.
- The area between Ogasawara/Iwo Jima (OGP) and the Minami-tori Shima (island) 200 nm circle (MTS)
- KPR, the area between the Okinotori circle and Palau's 200 nm EEZ boundary (potential overlap)
- 2 smaller pieces ODR and MIT to the east and west of the Okinotori circle

A very nice map for Chinese and Korean claims can be found in the red firefly blog (a very nice map blog in Chinese)
- The orange area is the co-development zone (1st phase) reached by China and Japan a year ago
- The green area is the Joint Korea-Japan Fishing Zone
- Blues lines are the 200 nm lines for Korea and China
- KOR1-KOR5 are sample points (joined into a line) of Korean claim
- D1-D4 are sample points of Chinese claim
- Both the KOR and D points are where the continental shelf end at the Okinawa Trough

Here is the technical definition of China's calim
- A -- the base-point (land territory) where the claim distance starts to count (usually an island close to the continent)
- B -- 200 nm line
- C -- continental shelf slope start to fall (FOS), point of maximum change in gradient
- D -- deepest point when continent shelf falls to the trough (lowest sea level)

Note that China's "preliminary example point" has carefully avoided to overlap with Korea claim points, apparently for a few reason (that I can think of)
- To avoid controversy with Korea
- To have Korea on its side over a potential rebuff from Japan (Japan's argument may be quite weak given the fact that it also submitted similar claim to the other side of its ocean)
- The example points are only "examples" to establish the Okinawa trough as the boudary, China can then negotiate with Korea (if the trough is established) regarding how to divide the trough between them, most likely it would be the equidistant principle which is not far from D1/KOR1
ROC's provincial division for China
ROC's provincial plan 1951 (source: map can talk blog)
Chiang Kai-shek published this plan, dividing China into 68 provinces, more or less splitting the provinces into 2 each. I guess he was trying to use this to rally support for his plan to "re-capture the continent", because he could then have more "feudal" areas to award to those who help him in the war.
The KMT government has never really ruled the Northeast (Inner Manchuria), so the 9 provinces in NE is only known to Chiang's bureaucrats. When the soldiers he brought to Taiwan need to register for the home provinces, none of them knows which "province" they are supposed to come from.
Below is the ROC territorial claim in 1910s, well actually Dr. Sun Yat-sen's negotiation position then. This, and the rail map in the previous post, were published in Dr Sen's book called Plan for the New Country (建国方略).

The KMT government has never really ruled the Northeast (Inner Manchuria), so the 9 provinces in NE is only known to Chiang's bureaucrats. When the soldiers he brought to Taiwan need to register for the home provinces, none of them knows which "province" they are supposed to come from.
Below is the ROC territorial claim in 1910s, well actually Dr. Sun Yat-sen's negotiation position then. This, and the rail map in the previous post, were published in Dr Sen's book called Plan for the New Country (建国方略).

- this is the "upper bound" for the Manchu empire, including vassal countries such as Indo-china, Korea, and some far fetched ones such as Sulu Islands and Malaya (There are discussions on how Sulu became Qing vassal in the Taiwan blog but I have no idea why Dr. Sun thought Malay peninsula was a legitimate claim)
- with that view Thailand became a "enclave" country
China Rail Map (planned)
Sun Yat Sen's vision on China's Rail network

2008 Planned Rail network map

2008 Planned Rail -- West side of Taiwan Strait

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's map was done circa. 1910s. Dr. Sun worked on this immediately after the revolution when he had to give up the power to Yuan Shikai to get his support for the revolution.
It was based on the ROC territory (e.g. Tannu Tuva and Outer Mongolia are included but Taiwan is not, because there had no treaty ceding Tannu/Mongolia) or the Qing Empire territory prior to the 1911 revolution. It was mostly based on desk work -- so the network is much denser in a relative sense for sparsely populated areas such as Mongolia and Tibet, while Hainan is a void in rail track.

2008 Planned Rail network map

2008 Planned Rail -- West side of Taiwan Strait

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's map was done circa. 1910s. Dr. Sun worked on this immediately after the revolution when he had to give up the power to Yuan Shikai to get his support for the revolution.
It was based on the ROC territory (e.g. Tannu Tuva and Outer Mongolia are included but Taiwan is not, because there had no treaty ceding Tannu/Mongolia) or the Qing Empire territory prior to the 1911 revolution. It was mostly based on desk work -- so the network is much denser in a relative sense for sparsely populated areas such as Mongolia and Tibet, while Hainan is a void in rail track.
- For Dr. Sun's view on China's territorial claim see my next post
- Dark lines represent existing rails
- Red line planned rais
- Broken (red) line are rail for which there is still no solid plan yet
- Dotted line are existing rails to be upgraded
China Lake

I suppose the "World" Achipelagoes in Dubai is well known by now. Do you know there is also a "China Lake"? (Source and details/history in comment #9, btw, this is a great map blog, by a pro-green blogger in Taiwan)
The exact location is here.
"Politicially Correct" map for PRC
This is the "official map policy" published by the PRC Bureau of Map, for drawing a politically correct map, literally.
1) As expected, the territorial boundary needs to be correct, i.e NE at the junction of Ussuri and Heilongjiang/Amur, North-West at Pengchi River, South at Zengmu of Spratly/Nansha, and a few other specifications, including Diaoyu, Taiwan, etc.
- The new demarcation with Russia may change the NW and NE points
2) Be diplomatic on the Kashmir issue: do not take side, use white color, show Actual Control Lines, do not mark "capital city" since control still in dispute
3) Romanized name for places do not have to use Pinyin in HK/Macau/Taiwan. But for some city names in Outer Manchuria need to put the Chinese names in bracket
4) New roads/bridges are "state secrets" -- this is probably made obsolete with the introduction of google map
第一章 总 则
第一条 为了维护国家主权和利益,正确反映国家版图的内容,加强地图管理,规范地图编制,提高地图质量,依据《中华人民共和国测绘法》、《中华人民共和国地图编制出版管理条例》和国家有关法规,制定本规定。
第二条 各种载体表现的公开地图和地图产品,必须遵守本规定。
第三条 公开地图和地图产品上不得表示下列内容:
第二章 比例尺、开本、经纬线
第四条 公开地图的比例尺、开本应符合以下规定:
第五条 比例尺等于或大于1:50万的各类公开地图均不得绘出经纬线和直角坐标网。
第三章 界 线
第六条 中国国界线画法必须按照国务院批准发布的1:100万《中国国界线画法标准样图》以及根据该图制作的其他比例尺中国国界线画法标准样图绘制。中国地图必须遵守下列规定:
第七条 中国示意性地图必须遵守下列规定:
第八条 世界其他各国之间的界线,参照由国家测绘局认定的最新世界地图集表示。
第九条 中国历史疆界,参照由外交部和国家测绘局认定的中国历史地图集表示。
第十条 省、自治区、直辖市行政区域界线依据民政部、国家测绘局制定并报国务院审批的行政区域界线标准画法图表示。
第四章 有关省区及相邻国外地区地图
第十一条 广东省地图必须包括东沙群岛。
第十二条 海南省及南海诸岛地图表示规定:
3. 南海诸岛作为海南省地图的附图时,附图名称为“海南省全图”;作为中国全图的附图时,一律称“南海诸岛”;
4. 专题地图上,南海诸岛作附图时,正图重复出现时,附图也要重复出现,不得省略。必须与正图一样表示有关的专题内容;
5. 东沙、西沙、中沙、南沙四群岛以及曾母暗沙、黄岩岛必须表示并注名称。大于1:400万的地图,黄岩岛应括注民主礁,即:黄岩岛(民主礁)。比例尺过小时,可只画岛礁符号,不注岛礁名称;
6. 南海诸岛与大陆同时表示时,中国国名注在大陆上,南海诸岛范围内不注国名,不在岛屿名称下面括注“中国”字样。在不出现中国大陆的南海诸岛局部地图上,在各群岛和曾母暗沙、黄岩岛等名称下括注“中国”字样;
第十三条 新疆维吾尔自治区表示规定:
第十四条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区表示规定:
第十五条 台湾省地图表示规定:
第十六条 与中国接壤的克什米尔地区表示规定:
第十七条 有关地名注记表示规定:
第五章 其 他
第十八条 凡进口或引进、加工制作国外和港、澳、台地区的地图及附有中国地图图形产品必须遵守下列规定:
第十九条 互联网上使用的中国地图,以国家测绘局网站上的地图为准,国家测绘局网址为:http://www.sbsm.gov.cn。
第六章 附 则
第二十条 本规定由国家测绘局负责解释。
第二十一条 本规定自发布之日起施行。过去的有关规定,凡与本规定有抵触的,均按本规定执行。
测绘局网站 2003年5月23日
Aug 09 Reading list
- 果敢到底是怎么一回事
- Passports for Tibetans to India
- 《怎样鉴别黄色歌曲》
- 缅甸果敢县
- Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China's Territorial Disputes
- interesting maps - TD
- 《大國空巢》──一孩政策會否令中國人口提早衰老?
- Lessons from Xinjiang: Disaster and Response
- China’s Kurdish Policy
- Turkey Looks East
- China’s predicament - Getting old before getting rich
- Strong Borders, Secure Nation: Cooperation and Conflict in China's Territorial Disputes
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