
Post Olympic - the Yang Peiyi song download

update: some diligent netizen scanned different international version of the opening ceremony and found one version (need to register to download) where the song was not spoiled by the commentation (among them the CCTV commentator is regarded as THE most annoying)

While RIAA is fighting with EFF, we have Baidu's mp3 search function.

The famous Ode to the Motherland (video) is made available by netizens -- both the studio version and the Opening Ceremony live version, which seems to have been recorded by someone who attended the ceremony (the disgusting CCTV host had 'added value' with his narrative and made it impossible to strip from the TV recording).

However, a lot more links are available if you use Lin Miaoke as keyword (over 100), rather with Yang Peiyi (4 at this moment). This tells us what most people in China know about this story.


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