1) Beautiful Tibet Railway clip from Taiwan TV recording. Chinese subtitle, Tibetan singing.
2) A series of video clips in Cantonese, Chinese subtitle, plus picture/wallpaper download. (Oriental Daily)

3) Travelogue by a Dutch tourist in Tibet (the trip started in HK, ended in Beijing)
see Sander Nijdam's travelogue (in Dutch, but picture is language independent).
4) Related links: ESWN, Tim Johnson (don't miss the comments below), Ming Pao op-ed on Tibet Railway vs Yangtze Dam, Environmental Measures in QTR (includes interesting anecdotes about how to build a bridge to avoid blocking the antelop passage, and how to convince the antelopes to pass under the bridge).
5) (Update) Read Times reporter Jane Macartney's travel diary at her blog (updated daily!). (Via Shanghai)
1) Economist's report
2) WSJ's description on the train design and travel experiences.
(Both requires subscription. The WSJ article is temporarily cached here)
Newsweek's Melinda Liu has a report. and a video blog
Liu did not understand why a soldier is needed every 150 ft to 'protect the railway'. She obviously did not know that the tracks are made of steel, and commodity price is high.
or to protect the trains from the
yak ?
a virtual tour (flash, in Chinese)
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