

1) 陳皮代表泛民當權派,可泛民當權派不代表‘泛民’,泛民也不一定就代表“民主”
2) ‘泛民’當權派已淪落為只求目的,不擇手段的黨棍。支持泛民當權派只會助長大佬文化,扼殺泛民新生代的機會
3) 壹傳媒已淪落為當派工具,不惜蓄意誤導讀者。陳老太的支持率竟然能在幾天之內有比葉劉高10%以上掉到“不足1%”。不是撒謊是甚麼?華爾街日報只是社論胡來,報道可從不馬虎。蘋果竟然淪為連其他新聞都不放過的高喊”狼來了“的牧羊郎。
4) 陳老太當選,對于香港民主、或者直選的來臨,沒有任何正面的意義。

(I made no consideration of her alleged mortgage scandal, as I believe scandal should not change one's view on competence)


p.s. @賭徒
No. I am not misled by anyone. You can call me 無間道 or whatever you like as well. I had come to this view long before Wong Onyin said anything.
Please do not "insult the intelligence" of other people. Read AD again to spot its shameless biase.
We are not to be misled so easily. Apple Daily tried to mislead the mass and myself. I am frustrated and angry. AD is "insulting our intelligence" by trying to manipulate us like idiot. Jimmy Lai has now turned one of the best media in HK into a propaganda machine, which will bear no credibility. To me it has cried wolf too many times, and bears the same credibility as Oriental Daily.
I honestly believe it is better that he migrates to Taiwan (than staying here in HK), since his AD was much more truthful over there.
I can list a few "product placement" reports from AD almost every single day. e.g. When it talked about new technology and blog, it listed Mrs Chen as an example and throw a few random political propaganda sh_ts at an otherwise totally apolitical news thread.


賭徒 said...


關於第三點,壹傳媒並無講大話。如果投票率低於 50%,陳太輸的機會好大,主因是親中陣型的鐵票。


Anonymous said...


Sun Bin said...

to mr mak,

i will not be in HK. i will abstain.

to gambler,

since i am not credible to you. please see ESWN's link here


賭徒 said...

sun bin,




http://blog.tiney.com/ 依位網主如果肯考證下過去港島區補選的民意調查,就唔會寫出咁反智的分析。

Sun Bin said...


1) 假如民調出錯,為何一直以來蘋果都說陳領先10多20個百分點?我指的不是民調的正確與否,而是某些人不惜指鹿為馬的惡行
2) i don't give a damn about who wins.i know AD wanted Chen to win. AD can do anything to achieve this. but if it chooses to lie, and chooses to assume that we are idiots who who believe in its lies. then forgive me, i would not trust anything in AD in the future. Do you get my point?

Sun Bin said...

p.s. 不要把票源“流失”的責任推給民調。選民不是白癡,他們不投你票是因為你做得不好。