
light reading:

Happy Holidays!

Here is the transcript of the 2 panda chatting in Taipei Zoo:














Norman Bethune from Paris

1)  The life and death in Rongshui of Francoise Grenot-Wang

2) 广西融水发生火灾死亡1人 一法国女士失去联系
3) fangfang (Francoise Grenot-Wang's blog - it seems to be blocked by the freaking GFW!!!)

-- donation account in comment under Black & White Cat's post, and fangfang's site.


Stephen Ng-sheung Cheung: On the current crisis in China《多难登临录》,三之一

Professor has another post discussing how the Chinese government should cope with the current economic problems. There aren't many innovative ideas compared with what has been said, he just went in to explain it with more explicit examples and illutrations.

In light of the need of further elaboration, I will try to paraphrase in my own words (which, I believe, are essentially consistent with what Professor Cheung advocates)
  • Government spending is okay, especially since it was stated they are for infrastructures that will have to be built sooner or later (now they all moved into the category of "sooner")
  • The key is "capacity utilization", as long as there is extra capacity and the new projects are needed in future, these projects should move ahead, because the incremental cost (for the whole economy in total) is less than what it seems -- as the idle capacity (labor, machine) are utilized
  • However, Cheung stressed that one must not forget private enterprises are the customers of these infrastructure, without private businesses the assumption of infrastructure needs become fallible. Therefore, the government needs to a) avoid competing for resources with private business, b) support the growth of private business even more strongly than before
  • (a) how to avoid taking resources away from private sector? remember the objective of these 4Tr RMB projects are to leverage cheap idle capacity, so one should not spend for the sake fo spending. Instead one should only spend when there is extra capacity. How could this be done? A price cap for these projects, which should be a bit lower than the historic price. This is to (1) allow private enterprise who could bid higher the resource they needed and not overbid the price away from the private sector, (2) minimize corruption in the process of these projects
  • (b) support private enterprise by simplifying tax/VAT structure, like what the government did for corporate profit tax (equalize policy for domestic enterprises and FIE, to all policies). i.e. reduce/waive tariff for raw material import instead of VAT rebate (so that the cost for domestic and export are the same). The objective is to enhance efficiency (meanwhile reduce the exposure to corruption) and make the environment more business friendly in general. This is what really contribute to "domestic demand"

p.s. Cheung seems to be happy with people crossposting his writings. His objective to to get his ideas seen and heard, so I will not worry about copyright issues now :)


By 张五常作品 on 经济评论



















China Population Geography

This is a great book. There are so many interesting informations that I will probably use a few posts to show them. I am also surprised that the book isn't available at Amazon China -- it probably reflects this verture is in pretty bad shape here.

The datamining in China's population geography yields many interesting observation such as this one, the plot of blood-types by the latitude of the residents, which show clear trends in different blood type as we move north. I scanned the whole page as the discussion also include that for Rh factors and some explicit comments on some ethnic groups.

There are other features such as eye-lid, curly hair, etc., which differs according to the different locations in China. These data are consistent with the theory that Chinese people have mixed in the past thousands of years. The people in each area may still retain some of the original features of the dominant ethnicity in the early (pre-mix) days but today the boudary is blurred but statistically one can still recognize the traces. This supports the theory that the so called "Han" ethnicity is more of a cultural entity (rather than genetic). Since we are indeed from the same big family (well, one could extend this to discussion beyond a state boundary) what is the point of fighting against one another'?


Nov 2008 reading list

Price elasticity in HK Taxi industry

The issue of HK taxi pricing is one of the most interesting cases in microeconomic problems. It is one of those that would deserve a Cheung Ng-sheung style analysis like he did for the theatre pricing.

The HK government, more than 2 years after my proposal of tiering pricing, finally implemented the price rationalization. However, the timing is very bad, amidst the economic recession. Bureaucracy has made poorly timed policy inevitably in many goverments, HK is of no exception.

The new pricing involves a 7% rise in short distance (i.e.about 10km), which represents probably 65-70% of the incomes for taxi drivers. So the net effect is a 5% hike in average price.

Early reports claimed that total revenue decreased by about 20%, which I think is exxagerated (and partial data plus overshoot/overreact by passengers), more likely though it would be a 10% decrease, if I can extrapolate from the very limited data points in my previous post -- which is bad enough for the taxi drivers, epecially this incremental 10% are mostly net incomes as the fixed costs such as rent and time are constant.

In short, the pricing change, if implemented a year ago while the economic was robust, would have been welcomed. The new scheme, unsatisfactory as it is, is stil way more "rational" than the old one, although I would still prefer a more continuous change in price per km.