
Light viewing: Paris under PLA occupation

Chinois à Paris, Les (1974) is a French satire movie ...
  • ...an acid "satirical comedy" on life in Paris under a hypothetical Chinese occupation of that city. In the end, the Chinese are obliged to leave because the French have led them down the sinister paths of over-fornication, over-eating and over-womanizing. The film is above all a satire of the collaboration of the French with the Nazi occupants in Paris during WW2...

But there is a ballet scene within the movie which is a hilarious cross of the Red Detachment of Women (real video(1), (2)), Carmen and more...enjoy

(via Douban's 宇宙囧片王小组)

Bonus: 东北之冬 (via Hecaitou which introduced me to this Douban group) a great subtitled Karaoke for Chinese to sing (and memorize) an Indian song.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After all, IP piracy started in the West. LOL