
Mainlandization of Apple Daily

Via New Century Net, Li Dali speaks up about how low some of Apple Daily's op-ed has become, in particular, that from pseudo-scholar Jiao Guobiao, "It is a pity that this appears on the only newspaper with conscience in HK, Apple Daily, I am concerned about the 'mainlandization' of your paper"

Mr Li, you are not alone. You are being too nice to Jiao. Most of his essays are like that. They all made their way into AD miraculously.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Lai. Please read Stephen Cheung's "Dialectic on Chess Move Undo", also originally from AD. The comments apply to a lot of areas.
  • 记载说,莫札特写乐曲很少修改。莫札特是天才,庄逊、山木、陶杰也近于天才吧。有趣的问题是,这些下笔不改的写手,可能试行修改也改不出什么进境。
  • Mozart is a genius, he seldom needs to revise his work. Johnson is; Lin Shanmu is; and Tao Jie is probably close to a genius(?) The interesting issue is, for that certain "writing hand" who does not bother to edit, perhaps he could not improve even if he tries to revise.
  • 逻辑不错不等于不需要走几着回手棋。事实的真相可能早时没有充分的掌握,局限的理解可能有失误,假设可能要更改一下。这些与逻辑无关:逻辑对,不等于结论也对。
  • 世界太复杂,逻辑频频出错的人是不应该搞科学的。因为科学没有永远不错的理论,从事的人要懂得下回手棋,更要乐意回手。
  • 逻辑这回事,有些人天生下来就没有问题,有些人怎样争取也无可救药。一般来说,天生较弱的两三个月的训练就差不多了。不要节省这生命中的一小撮时间,而以逻辑推理要小心。小心者,多下回手棋是也。
  • About logic, some people are good at it, innately; but it is hopeless for some others. Generally speaking, a few months' training would help. Do not be stingy on such a short period of time within the long span of life, one needs to pay attention to logic.

N.B. mainlandization = behaves like the party organ in mainland China








Anonymous said...


Is New Century Net a FLG site? Are there any Chinese "news" sites outside of China that have no relation to FLG? I am only familiar with sites like 看中国, which is a FLG site. Wenxue City usually stays away from politics or anything too controversial. I usually read the MIT BBS, but that gets very predictable. ;) Anyway, do you have any recommendations? Thanks.

Sun Bin said...

:) there are indeed a few FLG sites disguised as 'news/commentary' site. i was tricked a couple times in the past. (i think i quoted some article in the past from these sites)

But this one seems to be a legitimate one. the editor is zhang weiguo. i think he was with World Economic Herald, the paper closed by Jiang ZM in 1989. he left china a few years later. the overtone of this site seems to be quite objective. this is no chao changqing.

but since it is a dissident site, and probably has received some of the funding from 'human right/democracy fund', the selection may be predominantly dissident voices.

the search (click author name) is also pretty good. looks like a good source to me (i found it via ESWN).
however, i would still be vigilent and critical on any of these sites.

Sun Bin said...

it is funny he always list Ass Prof Peking Univ in his essay. he only reminds me of the "4 big 'defenders' of basic law".

jiao's essay has no logic at all, i think he and epoch times is the best match.

however, i do not disagree with all his premises or conclusions (eg we all know the proganda dept is shit). it is just the total lack of logic that appalled me.

the irony is, he is no different from the entral Propaganda Dept. if i were the minister of propaganda, he would be the first person i hire. :)